I would love to see something like this for ground invasion:
Naturally not a moving 3D redered image, that would be resource consuming and not add anything withouth direct control (looking at you Space Combat)
What I mean is the still image itself, which shows in one picture:
1. The type of ships attacking in orbit
2. Type, amount and location (exiting carrier) of small crafts
3. The type of ground troops
4. Existance and type of Ground Defences
5. City landscape (Race, level ...etc)
What I would love to see is the same for ground combat meaning all of the above five points plus:
1. Tactical choices and their effect
2. Combat statistics: damage done and received by and from
Like I said, it does not need to move. Showing a few high quality pictures of the ships and troops involved in the invasion goes a long way compared to simplifying them in over-the-top flinky, low-res 2D sprites shooting at random locations generating data noise but no information
Imagine it if you will as a type of card game, where the cards are high-quality and show everything that is happening in the engagement. No cluttered or MISSING information and no unessesery filler data (shots fired at random locations)
Could the animated sprites work as an engaging concept? For sure, but would need a quality upgrade across the board and require way too many FTE for anyone to invest in that (making every animation relevant and of higher quality, plus implementing a bunch new objects that do not realy have space in the currect concept)
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