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Economic, wonder and science victory need more depth and mechanics. I dont think the victory condition should just be a number, though it should be tangible and it should be something which the other factions can impede or influence.
- I appreciate that the science victory is the turtle victory but at the moment it is just race to final tier and get wealth of the endless and science of the endless (*probably called knowledge of the endless) then wait and win. people can stop you from this only by conquest and to a limited extent by blockades (both military). How does someone also going to a science victory impede you...? I would like to see a mini-quest or event to spread the way the final techs are gained which would be possible for others to compete in but extremely difficult unless they were competative in science.
- Wonder is a staple of 4x and RTS but always seems the most dull. Wonders in AoEII were pretty but here in ES2 you cant even see them and the games play to getting them is stale. I would love to see the wonders and have some restrictions and benifits on them to spice up getting them and competing against them. Wonders could be the ability to build a planet! or a dyson sphere!! or a mass relay to another galaxy!! (probably named something less IP sensitive) which would be visible in the system and the universe map. A new planet would provide all the benefits a designed planety should to who ever owns it and a dyson sphere should provide infinite power!!! whatever that entails (probably a metric shit-tonne of FIDSI, mostly Industry). These would 1, be cool 2, be worth competing for and stealing and 3, DYSON SPHERES.
- Economic Victory at the moment stays off in most peoples games because it simple ends the game at midgame. One solution would be the increase the number at which the victory condition kicks in... but that seems dull. In a similar theme to the trade companies idea i think economic victory should be when you can exert economic pressure on the whole galaxy. either through buyout (see above) or by establishing a galatic bank! And similar to the other victory conditions i think it should be in stages (constellation banks first) and put in place in such a way that anopther economically inclind player or faction could compete. In this case i think establishing constellation banks or stock exchanges should be dooable with a medium to high amount of economic power but controlling it and influencing others would require the might of capitalism! or something.
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