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Building using ressources every turn

EconomySystem Management

8 years ago
Jul 13, 2017, 8:27:28 AM

To resolve the problem of the stockpiling of the ressources at the end of the game, creating buldings that use a few ressources, for exemple 2 titanium, every turn could be a nice idea.

Both strategic and luxury ressources could be used this way.

There could be a factory called for exemple "Fast Proton bombardment laboratory" which could transform a ressource into an other. For instance, you could give 50 titanium every turn in exchange for 1 quadrinix (every turn).

If you have ideas of buildings' name and fonctions please write them in the comments.

Updated a month ago.
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8 years ago
Jul 13, 2017, 9:59:44 PM

That doesn't sound like a bad idea but I believe this won't be necessary. 

I for once use the older, weaker Ressources for my weakest ships. That way I safe Ressources for bigger ships. And if nothing helps I can just sell the Tier 1 ressources and buy Tier 3 Ressources.

The "Ressource Transformer" or however you want to call it could be a good "1 turn" Building like the "Chain Gang" ability, which you have to queue every now and then.

But just in case this Idea grows I will follow it. I don't know how this turns out to be.

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8 years ago
Jul 13, 2017, 10:45:36 PM

Thanks for the comment ! You're right in saying that it might not be very important ane there sure are many things to do first. Yet I thought "why not" :)

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8 years ago
Jul 14, 2017, 8:38:12 PM

I'd prefer it to be done automacally though. A big problem of the end of the game is to my mind the stockpiling of ressources and the fact that you have to sell a lot of things during each turn. This and my idea *A few marketplace improvement" could simplify this ! 

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