I would like to sugest the option of being able to costomize logistic ships. To make them go faster or cary more cargo at faster speeds or just make them faster so that they wouldents have to take all systems food to an outpost causing a food shortage in the original colony. 

Trade ships should also be costomizable. I fact it would be a great if trade ships were visable on screen it would make it easier to indefy trade routs and blokade the enemies trade routs. Plus it would make the galexy feel more alive and more connected. 

I would also sugest that trade ships look like the ships for the luminaries, since they look more like trade ships than warships. Not suprising since their hole society revolves around comerce. 

Ships carrying populations realy need to get to their destination faster, it so slow that a newly conlovzed systemss population slots might already be full by the time the ships arrives.