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Make the pop-slot indicator easier to see

System ManagementGUIEconomy

8 years ago
Jul 29, 2017, 3:31:55 AM

For worlds that are light in coloration - e.g. a Huge Desert planet - the population "Spedometer" is essentially impossible to see past "12 o'clock" - because of the lighting effect causing there to be no contrast between the population slot-indicator (spedometer / popometer?) and the planet's surface.

It would be nice to be able to see it, so that it's much easier at a glance to see how many empty slots any given world currently has.


Related: mousing over a world should show, e.g., "6/9" in the Population tooltip (currently it only shows, e.g. "9" - the maximum, instead of used / maximum).


Related: mousing over a system icon from the main map should show the sys-pop/max-sys-pop in the tooltip.

Updated 2 days ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 10, 2017, 10:04:17 AM

As far as I know, the only time you can explicitly read off the current/max for a system as whole numbers is during a population growth notification.  Every time I need to figure out the maximum population for a system, I have to mouse over each planet and mentally add each max population number together.  Am I missing something?  Is there an easy place to read these numbers?


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