All of the coop quests ive gotten have been to raise a resource production to a certain amount in the galaxy. Half the time i forget that we are actually contributing to a quest so id like to offer some more engaging coop quest ideas.

Wrath of Khan: 

Phase 1 pirate clans have been established (control systems and produce units like minor factions but as seperate entities) all over the galaxy and playersd must work together to eliminate threat

Phase 2 Once all of the systems have been destoyed a pirate leader will emerge with a carrier flag ship and 32 command point fleet and a pirate hero named Khan. Khan goes arround and assimilate other pirate fleets gradually growing in strength if ignored.  eventually making his way to the academy.

Phase 3: If khan reaches academy he will attemped to take it from whomever controls the stystem. (if no one controls it he will take it instantly. If he take academy then no heroes will be able to be aquired while he occupies it.

Planet killing anomoly: 

 Phase 1 A strange energy source has been sending ripples throughout the galaxy. (basically a nuetron star or some other celestial body stat looks powerful and unstable) This will act like a system and will have 20 searchable curiosities that yeild very miniscule rewards incase only one player manages to get to this anamoly. one curiosity will iddentify the nature of this entity and will trigger phase Two. 

Phase 2: The anamoly has been identified and has begun spreadingto neighboring systems(Creeping like celestal vines) If no one seached the right curiosity by a turn limit then the speading speed is twice as fast. Players will need to build special ships with a unique quest based module to contain the spread or a unique system improvment that does the same. Should the anomoly reach a system while its not being contained then in 5 turns a random planet will be destoyed.

Phase 3: once an appropriate amount of the anomaly essence has been colected a special reaserch tech will appear on the tech tree. (to cost will go down based on the number of empires reaserching it with you and their respective scince production) This tech reward a new module that will nuetralize the anomaly.

Phase 4: players will out fit their ships with th new module and race to the anomalies source, have their ship sit there for 5 turns to charge and destroy the anamoly.

so those are 2 multi-layerd coop quests ive come up with. i dont know if they are viable or not but the idea in to make somthing big and exciting happen in the galaxy that will have people putting aside petty conflictws and coming together to stop a threat to everyone. i think that would be cool