Originated from this thread.
Current rebelion mechanics mean that it takes 10 turns of mutinous approval at a system for a rebelion to happen.
That rebelion produces 2 attack ships and instantly invades the system even if it has no chance to win.
This doesn't fell right at all.
This is how I see it working:
It would be better if rebelion forces would start a ground invasion that would slowly take over the system.
During rebelion on a system it stops producing luxury / stategic resources and also doesn't generate science or dust.
Production queue is on hold.
Food production still takes place but that may often mean starvation which is ok.
Rebelion forces during munition should grow in size based on system population number to a size when they can challange local manpower at a rate of 50 manpower / turn.
This way a rebelion doesn't always take 50 turns to trigger.
In the end all this ends up with rebelion forces winning and taking over the system or your forces winning and restoring control over the area (but that doesn't make approval content).
As before the 2 options would be possible:
Sedduce - with cost based on population size not a flat rate for all systems.
Supress - manpower cost based on population size with the chance to trigger the rebelion with the forces they have already gathered.
The closer the rebelion is to having enough forces to invade the more likelly your suppression will trigger the rebelion.
But at the same time rebelion reduces the gathered forces by 20% but it also comsumes 10 manpower / 1 population.
Since it is your system rebeling agains you they should have access to the same tech's that your faction has. Forces should be mainly infantry but they can have tanks and planes also in a limited number.
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