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Moon bonuses besides extra population slot

System ManagementGalaxy GenerationExploration

7 years ago
Aug 28, 2017, 7:41:24 PM

Moons can have benifits besides just an an extra population slot. In Endless space 1 moons were places to find temples of the endless, why not do it again? Moons can also host advanced shipyards, stratigic resources, extra lines of site, planetairy defences, extra scientific points since they are essentialy minuturized barrin planets, some moons that orbit gas giants could be big enough to even harbor life like Yavin 4 or the real life moon, Europa, that orbits Jupitar and possibly has liquid water benith its icy serface. 

Updated a month ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 30, 2017, 2:36:29 PM

Also lets add more moons into the game, there are like 30-50 moons on the biggest map and its basicly not worth to research or build anything that involves them

Also, when we have more moons we can make some be the barren useless things they are right now and others house temples etc , wihout making every moon OP and also making the moon improvments worth to build (+20 food for 1 moon at cost of 64 dust ... who the heck would use that?!)

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7 years ago
Sep 4, 2017, 5:03:22 PM

There is already an idea like this in nice to have ideas list called more and best moons, you can vote that. 

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