I think an education system will make the game more various, interest, and more!
What means an "Education System"? It's new type of Empire Management, which can help you make your Empire more Scientific, Factoryzed, Culture or Economical, sure.
You can spend Science and Dust (or Culture) to build an Universities, Schools or Colledges in your Empire...
For example, if you want to be VERY VERY Cleever Sophones, you explore "Science" in Education Management Tree (EMT).
When your level of Science Education will be quite High, all Techs in Tree will be more cheaper, and your Science per Turn will growth.
But you must suppport your Education on proper Level, or you can lost lots of Science.
P.s. If you will more Industrious, you can launch a program to attract students from other Empires, and make your Education structer THE BEST in the Galaxy!
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