Problem (in my opinion):
As the game currently is, luxury resources have a reduced value in the late game. Food producing luxuries have practically no value in the late game, and by the time end-game luxuries are available the system developments are permanently locked in, making them only useful as things to sell or trade. Luxuries are also devalued on the market and in trade in the late game as well, due to the fact that trade routes produce hundreds of luxuries a turn later on.
Proposed Solution:
A new system of sytem development with the following features
1. A button similar to the terraforming or planetary development button that would allow you to select luxury resources, selecting one would queue up a Luxury Hub building to be built or dismantaled.
2. Luxury Hubs would give the bonus of the luxury but would have an upkeep of luxury resources for maintainance.
3. If a trade route connected a supply of a resource to a Hub using it, then the luxury upkeep cost could be reduced and/or the strength of the trade route could be increased.
4. The number of Luxury Hubs that can exist in a system is dependant on the tier of Industry and Economy tech you possess.
5. System devolopment can be built if you have enough Luxury Hubs in the system.
6. Trade routes produce less luxury resources.
These are just some thoughts I put together, if you can think of improvements on this theoretical system and on any issues it may present, please comment!
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