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7 years ago
Sep 13, 2017, 4:50:57 AM

I know it sucks to compare games in a scenario like this, because one doesn't want to copy.  But the religion in Civ V is actually really fun and engaging.  Creating/manipulating a religion is a fun aspect of the game, and push my religion on someone else (while I hate it IRL) I looooove doing in civ (Byzantines ftw).

But I think it would be a cool like aspect to make the game more dynamic.  Possibly each faction starts with their own base beliefs which are have benefits/drawbacks, but the big thing is these beliefs have some political parties who will like it, some who won't , and some who wont care.  So now, as your population becomes more diverse (unless you are Horatio #genesplice) you might need to make some changes to your religion (similar to laws) to make people happy.

Now, have a relgious political party in power could do multiple things.  It could amplify the effects of the religious deliefs, or it could provide more powerfull religious beliefs to choose from.

Now, this all seems very smiliar to just good old laws, but the difference would be that like culture, religion could spread.  Now, I'm still not certain how this could be differientiated from culture, but in essence, religion could creep into other empires' citizens, and action would need to be taken to shut it down (via infinite "inquisition" production) or even possibly embrace it.  Maybe this religion actually helps the population of this system! 

Diplomacy could then be affected by this.  Possibly if some religions overlap in beliefs, a faction will be more accepting and vice versa.

To me, it seems like adding religion would be right up this game's ally.  It loves providing as many ways as possibly to play the game and achieve your goals.  Heck, a religion victory could even be a thing.  Make sure that your religion in the only one in the galaxy, or something like that.

Updated 3 months ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 15, 2017, 1:51:04 PM

Sorry for creating this one.  I only meant to create one.  Disregard this one, and look at the newest one

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7 years ago
Sep 15, 2017, 1:51:41 PM
LeMecDePhalanx wrote:

Sorry for creating this one.  I only meant to create one.  Disregard this one, and look at the newest one

no wait... this is the newest one.....

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7 years ago
Sep 21, 2017, 12:09:31 AM

The only real problem is that the religion system doesn't really fit into ES on a thematic level. Plus, it WOULD make things a bit too much like civ...

BUT, that doesnt mean the idea needs be scrapped entirely. ES COULD have a more unique system... if I were to throw my 2 cents in, I'd say the "religion" system should revolve around trading companies. By increasing the complexity of trading companies, we could have the "holy war" phenominon that religion produces in civ.

-Give eash of the 3 possible trading companies a "type". Trading companies of the same type compete against eachother, like brands.

-Civs get added benefits for their brand being the most popular, while the normal benefits of a trade route still apply.

...From here all the elements of a religion system could be added. If each brand can be said to carry with it the culture of its owner, then cultural takeover elements could be added along with anything else really...

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7 years ago
Oct 3, 2017, 1:46:07 AM

Adding specific religions could help with other features:

There could be religious wars or even civil wars

There could be alliances due to similar religions

Would Vodyani have new systems since they are a religious nation?

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7 years ago
Oct 4, 2017, 12:06:25 AM

It would be really nice to add some depth to the religious party, plus the game one a whole.

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