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7 years ago
Oct 18, 2017, 1:45:24 AM

I love Halloween, the wide-spread feeling of "something". Another thing I love that can't be described is the galactic creatures from H.P Lovecraft's mythos. 

The idea of a 4X game administering seasonal updates sounds like an impossible task, which it very well be.

Though if it were to be implemented I would find myself gaining another reason for people to buy. Endless Space 2 has a very creative team, I love how different these factions are, and the game in general feels new.

In essence I love this game, and I love holiday events. Obtaining some kind of H.P Lovecraft theme for Halloween or even a faction would be phenomenal.  Anything really as long as it's seasonal/holiday themed in some way. If anything I'm just using this to get a late-night idea out of me. This team works wonders and I hope to see a 4X game take up on the idea. Specifically Endless Space 2.


I may have butchered the category selection, but I couldn't find one that really fit into what I wanted to describe.

Updated 2 months ago.
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7 years ago
Oct 18, 2017, 7:48:50 AM

But how could all these factions know about our holiday? Or prefer it above their own holidays?

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7 years ago
Oct 18, 2017, 8:24:46 PM

Maybe it's not a holiday, but a season in which something happens to the galaxy itself, making all the races recognize it as a special time

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7 years ago
Oct 19, 2017, 11:30:28 AM

I was just thinking of a minor/major (the ladder being a bit too much work) faction or hero that had a Halloween theme. Maybe even a reskin for a faction that's a parody of a famous Halloween character.

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