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Let us sell Heroes and buy from a bigger pool

Game optionsHeroes

7 years ago
Oct 21, 2017, 6:33:13 PM

I made a thread about this a while back but I really think that the current Hero system puts way too much emphasis on randomly awarded Heroes over the Hero Market. There are way too few Heroes to actually buy on the Market (which makes Impactless Sites grossly underpowered) and being forced to take Heroes can result in having too many Heroes and not enough places to put them on small maps and often breaks immersion as well (i.e. why are the Vodyani allowing untermenschen to take over their systems and senate? Or "Ecologist" Riftborn doing the same with filthy biologicals?). You could kill 2 birds with one stone by letting us sell Heroes just like with Ships or Resources.

Updated 2 months ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 19, 2017, 9:38:52 AM

I remember being able to discard heroes you didn't like back in ES1. I would love to see more control over what heroes you get.

Another reason for something like this is that the game will try to grant you heroes it thinks you need based on your gameplay. But that's a terrible system. How I play have no bearing on what heroes I need or want. I mostly only ever want overseers to handle my systems. It's the same silly mechanic that decides what political party will run your empire.

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