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7 years ago
Oct 25, 2017, 4:16:59 PM

I think the ground battle system of ES2 is not complex and deep enough. We need a new ground battle system and I have some ideas . Some of them may be useful.

-First of all invading a star system must require planet based ground battles. One ground battle for an entire star system doesn't make sense. We can choose how we use our manpower to invade. We can attack the system planet by planet or we can split our army to parts for a blitz attack. These tactics also will require new Ground battle Tactic cards. Tactic cards may be provided by both tech tree and heroes. There may be a new hero class as tactician. Fleets with such a hero we can use many different tactics or new actions such as assulting enemy city for sabotage or boarding enemy fleet ships. Soldiers in our army from minor races can also provide us some unique battle tactics. A battle tactic that only Mavros soldiers know, will make the game deeper. 

Actually now I dont mind the races living on the system I invade. But in lore there are warrior races that must be better in ground combat than others. We need a race based unit system bring us new units to train for each factions. Each unit has its own unique advantages and disadventges (such as +%30 survive chance in ice planets). With this expansion we can develop new strategies for the general war and each battle on different planets. Some races live in water and some live in air their battle capabilities must be very different for different planets. 

We also need a module system for ground units. We may discover new weapons and armors in tech tree for ground units. Module nubmers may depends on unit types and races. For example cravers has 4 arms and they can use 4 weapon modules. 

for now all planets are same for battling on but it is not realistic. Each planet type should have its own battle effect. desert planets must be hard to battle on for whom dont like hot planets. We can change our units' weapons and armor modules depend on the planet type. Besides there are oceon and gas planets in the game that ground units cannot fight actually and needs different unit types such as ships. (however amoebas can fight in oceon maybe.)

Updated a month ago.
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7 years ago
Oct 27, 2017, 12:07:20 AM

Seeing the ground battles in ES2 sure was quite disappointing. "Landing" infantry and armor with a blitz attack on a gas planet, and actually seeing the battle happen on land, I thought the ground battle system must be just a placeholder, and even after so long it's still the same. It should have been something along those lines all along even if not at launch. I wouldn't even mind not seeing the battle as long as it makes more sense. 

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7 years ago
Dec 5, 2017, 12:11:23 PM

The major obstacle I see in this is that there's no system in place for individual fortifications on planets. Maybe there can be a system of fortifications similar to the planetary exploitation system?

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7 years ago
Dec 6, 2017, 7:25:35 PM
Lemezak wrote:

The major obstacle I see in this is that there's no system in place for individual fortifications on planets. Maybe there can be a system of fortifications similar to the planetary exploitation system?

There is no need to have individual fortifications, system improvements may be operative on each planet. However some planetary systems also may useful. 

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7 years ago
Dec 7, 2017, 7:41:26 AM

Like in last trailer for ES2 for free update, you could see ground turrets, possibly AA guns or anti bombardment guns, such planetary improvement would be great. And it require new type of ships and modules, which would 1st take care of AA defenses otherwise when you just simply start to invade system your ship will just get blown away.

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6 years ago
Aug 14, 2019, 8:45:40 PM
Lemezak wrote:

The major obstacle I see in this is that there's no system in place for individual fortifications on planets. Maybe there can be a system of fortifications similar to the planetary exploitation system?

In the game there is a "Specialization of planets"(for Example "Scientific stations""Industrial zones"and so on), you Can use similar mechanics and strengthen the planet separately.

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