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7 years ago
Oct 31, 2017, 11:41:55 PM

There's several great galaxy shapes to pick from, but I noticed there's only two types; elliptical and spiral. I truly love the twin ellicptical in how it truly throws off the typical galaxy shapes, but one lacking even more that can create very interesting ways to play the game, is irregular shapes.

Now I'm not perfectly aware (only read up on them a bit) whether these form of galaxies would work as habitable, but with irregular you can make some really interesting and unique shapes that don't play by the standard rules, that could make exploration even more fun.

Here's but one example of an irregular galaxy and you can kinda imagine where the constellations goes. Not only would it make for more interesting constellations, but I feel you can make it a greater mystery to where other factions will appear or even the Academy.

Updated 5 days ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 1, 2017, 3:29:14 AM

I like that this idea is meant to shake up the game from a macro strategic perspective. I do wonder about the balance issues that may arise from asymetricall shapes. If you happen to spawn in a part of the galaxy that is crowded (due to the shape) then you will be at a disadvantage to a player who starts in a less crowded region. Also, a galaxy of the shape that you provided would be a post-collision galaxy, or looks that way due to lensing effects from dark matter. In the event that it is post collision, that means its overall shape will change more quickly and would be more volitile to live in. For instance, if our galaxy (The Milky Way) looked like that, we would likely be subject to changes in gravity on earth, higher rates of metiorites, and even larger collisions. Also our orbit would be less stable, changing the length and frequency of our seasons.

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7 years ago
Nov 1, 2017, 3:20:48 PM

That's true, I was thinking of that, hence I wouldn't know how habitable they'd be. I suppose for a fantasy sci-fi game it wouldn't matter too much, as we can already inhabit worlds that'd be really tough to.

For balance purposes, I think the aim is to make it more chaotic rather than more predictable with equal advantages, which can offer some fun playthroughs where you might come out against all odds, or other things that could surprise you, as I sometimes feels the more even galaxies don't offer too much of that other than when you play on chaotic starting positions and so forth. Definitely not a galaxy shape meant for competitive PvP sessions, ofcourse. It's up to personal taste in that regard, I always like the more chaotic ones, though I doubt it'd be very different if they spawn equally far away.

The main idea though is that with an irregular galaxy shape, they can release more "maps", since we already got several different spirals and elliptical can't be made very different. Irregular can be made different ways in how the shape of the "lanes" the constellations would follow.

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