Each time I use the Voting Results screen, I am pained with how difficult it is to navigate between systems! I like to look through each system individually (after the quick scroll through that the game does automatically), but unfortunately the only way to navigate between the systems is to click the left and right arrows. And you can't even multi-click! Thus you click once, wait for the animation to cycle to the next system, click again, wait for the animation, click again, wait for the animation... and when you have a lot of systems, this can quickly get tedious.

I would love to see some alternative methods of cycling systems implemented, such as:

Scrolling! By far my preferred way to navigate the screen, if I could simply use the mouse scroll wheel to swap between systems! Each scroll click is a system, easy. I keep trying to use this, forgetting that it isn't a feature, and when it doesn't work, I get sad :(

Dragging the Triangle Icon. Another way could be simply dragging the triangular icon at the top of the screen to point to a different vertical bar, and the systems would cycle accordingly.

Clicking Systems on the Galaxy Map. You could also have it so the player could click on a dot on the small galaxy map to quickly jump to that system. Would be a handy way if you wanted to look at a specific system.

Arrow Keys! Barring any of the above, simply being able to use the arrow keys to navigate back and forth would be handy.

Multi-Clicking Support - but really, at the very least, I would love to be able to click multiple times on the arrow in quick succession, and have it cycle that many times to the corresponding system. The other ways above would be dramatically better, but this would at least make the current system less unbearable.

Loving the game, keep up the good work!