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7 years ago
Nov 20, 2017, 7:01:03 PM

Soo in every space game this is one of the most important,,,, a complete eradication of one's race for the supremacy of your people therefore there should be an option to kill the inhabitants. for example after you take a world you can either expell them(they will leave witht their own ships) or you will kill them all to be replaced by your superior Race

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7 years ago
Nov 21, 2017, 5:42:30 AM

It sounds kinda dark, but I can't judge: this weekend after defeating them I shipped off all the Horatios from Horatio Prime and replaced them with Amoeba. Fitting, don't you think? 

I think what would be nice is the ability to kill of inhabitants. I'm not sure how moral it is to implement this feature, though. Can the devs implement this with a clear heart? I don't know. From a gameplay view, this is necessary for large empires to keep their own population dominant. I know some pop types give you the ability to sacrifice them. Perhaps when you choose to kill population you face heavy disapproval. I doin't want a bunch of Unfallen I recently conquered undoing all my work by having the ecologists become dominant in my UE empire. Then again... this helps to balance out the conflict. At the very least, if killing off pop types are implemented, it should give hefty penalties. Perhaps the more there are of the pop in one system, the higher the penalty? For instance, killing off Sophones in a system where there is only one Sophone should not be as bad. Killing them off where they are dominant in the system should face a much higher exponential penalty. 

After all, if we can "ship off" population, why not kill them off? 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 21, 2017, 8:00:51 AM

Ermm thats why there should be a ship off option for them if you dont want to deal with them or integrate them to your empire you could make them refugees. Essentially becoming nomads when they reach the borders of the other empires they will be given a choice either accept them or turn them away

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