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More interesting Economic Victory


7 years ago
Nov 22, 2017, 12:01:09 PM

It seems right now that economic victory is not only far too easy comparing with other victory conditions, and pops up out of the blue without really focusing on it (just playing normal faction development), but is now quite bland and not very engaging.

I would not go the "make it even more Dust to collect" route to fix this, instead I would add some secondary conditions, which would make this type of victory interesting, for example:

1) have "X" dust (as now)


2) have 3 Trade companies on minimum "X" level, and sum of their levels must be higher than closest rival's companies


3) have biggest per turn Luxury income in galaxy (in terms of variety or quantity; I would go for variety)


4) have your Dust income at least 20% better than closest rival

That would actually make this victory type harder to achieve and something you must focus on (both economically and politically), instead of auto-achieving it. Also, it would better portray struggle to corner the markets. Of course specifics of conditions should be balanced.

Updated a month ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 23, 2017, 9:57:29 AM

Hum. Maybe the economic victory need be more interesting. I like the 2 and 4. The 3 can be cool, but is a bit far of the dust concept.

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7 years ago
Nov 23, 2017, 10:30:11 AM

True, it deals more with overall definition of wealth, but these are all only simple examples. 

I see 2 main paths to fix this economic victory, one is only using current mechanics, and could be ideas described above, perhaps combined; the most important thing is imo that you should have clear advantage above rivals, not just be first to accumulate like a million, even if half galaxy already have 999999. I would not call it glorious victory. ;)

Another path would require overhaul of trading company system, and I would definitely like to see it - cornering the markets, dedicating your companies to certain businesses, questlines for their improvements - securing the stock and resources, expanding production/services, fighting competition, getting rid of pirates, overcoming red tape (internal and external) balancing exports-imports, sabotaging competitors, trying to achive monopolies, aaaaaaand so on. 

But this would be enirely new system. If it was interesting for anyone and actually someone could mod something like this, I would gladly describe this in some more details, as I had some notes from the system I designed for different game.

Meanwhile, I would appreciate fixing economic victory in simple and quick way, as for now I want to just disable it, mostly it spoils fun.

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