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Brand New Academy


7 years ago
Nov 27, 2017, 10:36:25 PM

I love this game and i want it to use its lore in gameplay more. The Academy is one of the best content of es2 lore so I want it to be more effective in game. First of all I think it must be like a nonplayable faction in game so we can see them in diplomasi screen (As isyandar himself maybe ). We can speak and improve our relation with them by many ways. 

While our relation is good enough we can ask isyander to send us a new hero and when our relation is bad they can call them back for a while. 

There may be new classes and/or sub classes for heroes and we can unlock them with our relation point.

At first we can use only heroes from our initial race and unlock the others with relation maybe.

Other brand new Ideas:

Brand New Ground Battle

Brand New Ship Experience

Updated 11 days ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 28, 2017, 6:23:46 PM

I strongly believe ES2's Academy is linked with Asimov's Foundation: shady organization that holds knowledge of advanced technologies and sends its agents to influence barbaric world. We can also use anime Last Exile with its Guild as reference here.

It's vast deposit of ideas, even at an edge of acсeptance (?) - like heroes that appear for specific amount of time, or can betray, or give new technology that starts quest about user's trying to comprehend new knowledge by creating better world or destroying his homeland by mistake...

Let's hope last update about Academy quest is only beginning of something bigger!

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