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Faction leader skin & achievement skins

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7 years ago
Nov 29, 2017, 1:44:19 PM

For now we have skins for our ships (Prime Cravers and soon Mezari UE) and Pathfinder hero skins, but I think it would be cool, if we would be able to get more pool of those skins we could unlock in various ways AND new type of skin: Leader Skin.

For now we can see a UE Emperor changing his look during faction campaign to Sheredyn or Mezari uniform, so this type of skin would just unlock special unique outfit for our leader or its color. Even in Endless Legend our leaders has different outfit color depending of player's color.

Example ways to get faction-ship/hero-ship/leader skins:

 - Pre-order expansion.

 - Receiving hard in-game achievement.

 - Being special reward for community contests and activity.

 - Play in game events. (but please no Santa Emperor)

 - Just spend some money (microtranzaction).

Example skins:

 - Sheredyn UE ship skin.

 - Chrome Riftborn leader skin. (black version of current)

 - Chrome Riftborn ship skin.

 - Wildwalker Unfallen leader skin. (brown wood and green leaves like regular trees)

 - True First Horatio leader skin. (Horatio dressed and make-up'ed like in Endless Space 1)

What do you think about it? And which leader skins would you like to see?

Updated 8 days ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 4, 2017, 4:45:06 AM

Having the ability to 'custom' skin your faction leader instead of 'fixed' portrates would be nice.

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5 years ago
Dec 11, 2019, 10:47:28 AM

I think it would be pretty mad to be able to cycle through the 42 versions of the Horatio skin... that were all identical. Because Horatio is already perfect.

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