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7 years ago
Nov 29, 2017, 3:51:10 PM

Have a small portion of all Strategic and Luxury Resources produced in the galaxy automatically be duplicated in the Marketplace, and possibly slash Luxury production. Greatly increase the price variance of resource stocks to account for this.

As an example using arbitrary numbers: Before changes, an empire produces 10 stocks each of two luxuries and one strategic. For the changes, Luxury production is slashed 60%, reducing production to 4 each, each turn; a Market Duplication rate of 50% is applied for Luxuries, so the empire technically produces 6 each of its Luxuries, but 2 stocks of each Luxury come into existence in the marketplace without imperial profit, driving down prices. Strategic production is not slashed, and thus gets a lower rate of duplication at 20%, meaning 2 Strategic stocks are added to the market each turn.

Multiplied by 10 empires, a total of 40 Luxury and 20 Strategic stocks are added to the Marketplace each turn, divided accordingly between their differing specific resources produced, with the best resources needing to be bought back from the simulated private sellers on the market and the worst resources constantly depreciating in value.

This reverses the current abuse of the Marketplace. Instead of gaining Dust by selling unwanted resources and hoarding desired resources at no cost, players must spend Dust to hoard resources while the profits of selling unwanted resources rapidly depreciate. Instead of being encouraged to sell their trash for massive profit, players are forced to compete for resources according to the value those players assign to said resources, making the market significantly more important as the effects of "private sellers" on the market are simulated by the Market Duplication rate.

Note: This would likely require adjustment of Inflation, as the change would drastically reduce our ability to pay for things using sold Luxuries. In addition, Luxury duplication might only be applied to production from Trade Routes or at a higher rate on Trade Routes, thus preserving the advantages of flat Deposit bonuses for empires like Lumeris or Horatio so they don't nerf their own profits by buffing their production. This may or may not be preferable, as it also allows empires to completely eliminate market leaks by not constructing trade routes.

Updated 13 days ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 11, 2017, 11:43:37 PM

This is a very interesting idea, and would help solve the problem that players encounter when they lack critical resources within colonizable space. I'm not sure how often it happens to others, but I've often encountered a complete and total lack of, say, hyperium or antimatter within my quarter of the galaxy, and there's never any on the marketplace to make up for that, effectively locking me out of many improvements, ship hulls, and modules.

Another reason to like this idea is that it gives off the impression of an active, living galaxy outside of the direct control of empires... sure, they're the major players, but there is a functioning economy and inter-species interaction that grows as galactic civilization becomes more complex.

If you wanted to go further, you could modify hero skills so that their bonus resource yields are partly (say 50%) taken from the "marketplace duplication" mechanic, giving them the unique niche of helping control the market while also boosting imperial yields. If I remember correctly, this would be in line with the skill descriptions, too.

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7 years ago
Dec 12, 2017, 12:07:29 PM

Upvoted. I think this is good for balance, just two concerns:

First it should be tied to some balance of resources in galaxy genration, because if nobody is producing one resource it won't be in the market. This makes snse, but depending on resources in galaxy gen can be more favorable to some factions.

Second and my main concer, this should be clearly explained, specially for new players. People who has been for long in the forums will agree, and probably be happy with this, but for new players can find very frustrating seeing their resources dissapear for no reason. Maybe a note in a tooltip telling them that this resource went to market can make this clear, but this won't explain them the reasons, so no good suggestion regarding this seond problem.

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7 years ago
Dec 12, 2017, 3:21:22 PM

Thanks guys. To clarify Io_Fabre, it's called Market duplication specifically because it does not actually drain players resources. If 10% of your Titanium is duped in the market, then you still produce 10 Titanium as shown, there's just 1 Titanium showing up in the market each turn. It's duplicated separately.

As to resources not being produced, there could be a very low flat production rate for all discovered resources, and initial available stocks for all resources so the market doesn't start out nearly empty.

I also like the suggestion that Heroes could then deny resources to the market. Working out how to let players do that is important to let resource producing factions not raise up their opponents too much. I'd rather say, though, to have some Hero resource production bonuses simply say "This bonus is not duplicated on the market," or have that apply equally to all Hero bonuses.

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7 years ago
Dec 13, 2017, 12:05:06 AM

Looking at your last post, it will be by far better accepted by new players

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