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Add an AI aggressiveness slider

Galaxy GenerationGame options

7 years ago
Dec 6, 2017, 3:06:23 PM

Add a slider to game creation that can up the AI aggressiveness, the only way I can see losing is if the AI attack me early game causing me to build more ships and upgrade more military than eco or just destroy me if I don't build enough.

I play on endless and I know their is a bug with AI not building bigger ships, I also know that if you put pirates on hard this kind of solves this problem but then the AI time are gimped aswell. 

Maybe a setting where the pirates don't attack AI?

A setting where you can start the game with 2 factions perminantly allied?

Updated 17 days ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 6, 2017, 5:46:35 PM

Perhaps it can be solved through teams? I can't remember if ES2 has it. Simply grouping the AI in team should already make it more challenging. 

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