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Goal driven diplomacy


8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 11:47:44 AM

It would be great if relationships between empires could be driven by goals that the empire has.

This could be linked with the senate system.

For example if you have a militaristic senate then your goal is domination.

You could align with another empire to share the start systems between yourself and work together to conquer them (and in the end turn agains each other??)

Goals could be like this:

- destroy empire 

- work agains empire (non military actions like blokades) 

- capture star system (if not colonized then something Lumeris can assist with)

- science specialization (exchange of techs)

- dust outputs (trade)

The thing is that with current diplomacy system there is little diplomacy in it. It is a series of unrelated exchanges.

I know it is hard to make AI a competent diplomacy partner but maybe this could push it in the right direction. 

You would know what the other empire is heading for and aid them in their struggles but in return they aid you in yours.

If your goals are aligned then you become allies.

In this system you don't start as "cold war" but as neutral and depending on conflicts / alignments you shift to war or alliance.

I know this is asking for a lot but maybe something that would be implemented in the next Endless game.

Updated 4 months ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 17, 2016, 11:23:52 PM

So as slowing/speeding growth. I like your idea. You need one parameter - Respect. This parameter influence decision of you and AI. It's comprehension of your might and friendship.

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8 years ago
Dec 18, 2016, 10:54:00 AM

The underlying dynamics of respect / friendship are a side story.
Main goal here is that you have goal you want to achieve and other empires will fight agains those goal or assist you with them.

For example you are Lumeris and Sophons goal is to exterminate Cravers.

You might assist this if the Cravers are a danger to you or oppose it if the Sophons are a bigger danger.
Your actions can change over the course of war but changing your alliance always has political consequences.

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8 years ago
Apr 20, 2017, 4:47:50 PM
samsonazs wrote:

The underlying dynamics of respect / friendship are a side story.
Main goal here is that you have goal you want to achieve and other empires will fight agains those goal or assist you with them.

For example you are Lumeris and Sophons goal is to exterminate Cravers.

You might assist this if the Cravers are a danger to you or oppose it if the Sophons are a bigger danger.
Your actions can change over the course of war but changing your alliance always has political consequences.

Nice idea! Can we combine our ideas and realise it to make Amplitude studious see this?)

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8 years ago
Apr 20, 2017, 8:59:09 PM

From what I see those are separate ones.
I don't have much hope of this being implemented as it would be a great redesign of current framework.
But still I think it would be worth it ;)

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