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More Fighters/Bombers (+additional ship ideas by other community members)

MilitaryShip Design

7 years ago
Dec 11, 2017, 3:07:40 AM

I think it would be a really cool addition if fighter and bomber modules gave way, way more fighters/bombers per module. Since it's a bit of a letdown to have Carrier ships that can hold thousands of people, only have a max of 24 fighters or 8 bombers (or some mix of that). Furthermore, fighters and bombers are pretty underpowered (at least from the games I've played) and it's a far better choice to build energy weapon modules (correct me if I'm wrong though) 

Maybe make it similar to your Pathfinders trailer, where Carrier ships can release scores of fighters and bombers, maybe 10 fighters per module and 4-5 bombers, or somewhere in between those numbers. (but only if this is feasible and doesn't crash/lag the game) 

Anyway, can't wait for the December patch, cheers. 

Update: Also ! fjdw88 made a valid point and a good idea, with firstly; having truly dedicated carrier ship hulls, ones made to actually carry fighters/bombers/other smaller ships (since many of the dreadnought/carrier ships are more jack-of-all-trades ships which make them particularly weak in the fighter/bomber department), though adding a completely new hull type would take a long time and a lot of work, so this is a wish that you guys may not want to implement (but hopefully you do ;D ) and secondly; having some sort of boarding vessels (similar to the Lumeris intro) that also use fighter/bomber modules ! 

Hope you guys are having a great winter so far 

Please leave comments/ideas below and I'll add them to the post !

Updated 2 months ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 11, 2017, 12:55:13 PM

I'm pretty same with this suggetsion but we need to say that this option is pretty new so before they will add something new we need too wait a little bit because they addded many things for ships lately and now they need to think about new quest and options to use those ships more often.

When they will add something like World Quest I said in my Idea where I invite you to search it ;D 

About your Idea I'm really positive to this proposition

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7 years ago
Dec 12, 2017, 12:08:37 AM

Yeah true true, they'll probs refine it in the coming year or so. 

There is one quest I've encountered (though I had never seen it before even after playing this game a shit ton) where the reward are Heavy Fighters and Light Bombers (Adamantium Modules) but sadly they don't give more than two fighters/one bomber. 

& I'll check your idea out ! 

thanks tho :D 

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7 years ago
Dec 13, 2017, 1:13:37 AM

you know what would be nice? boarding ships! it would be so much fun, if you can have boarding ships in this game, i remember if you play as the Lumeris, their first cut scene involes a Lumeris dude boarding a Craver ship, looks exciting. also, i do believe we need a dedicated carrier ship hull, because the current carrier hull in the game does not come with enough hanger to make fighters and bomber a valid choice, especially for the Rift Born because they have so much attack modules, it would be foolish if i waste those spaces for fighters and bombers. 

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7 years ago
Dec 13, 2017, 5:27:43 AM

I completely agree with you, boarding ships would be a terrific addition to the game ! Either as ships from a fighter/bomber module or as modules that allow your ships to dock onto enemy ships, similar to when ancient Greek/Roman/Eastern ships docked using either rams or the Corvus (deployable ladder) or with some sort of "hook/line gun" 

And yeah I also agree with needing a dedicated carrier hull since many of the dreadnought/carrier ships seem to be more orientated towards a jack-of-all-trades situation, where they're not particularly great at specializing in fighters/bombers and even the Riftborn who do have ships designed to be specialized (like you pointed out) don't have a specialized, large sized carrier ship. 

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