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Fixes to Anomaly Generation

Galaxy Generation

7 years ago
Dec 29, 2017, 3:13:21 PM

I would like to suggest limits to anomaly generation in order to fix inconsistencies between anomalies and planets.

For example: I have found the anomalies polar tempest and permininant mansoon on desert, ash, and lava planets. Doesn’t make much sense does it? Polar tempest should only be generated on cold planets. Perminant mansoons should not be possable on dry planets or even freezing planets. 

I suggest that the High gravity anomaly should only be generated on huge planets and the low gravity anomaly should only be generated on tiny planet so that it fits the laws of physics.

Molten springs and komatiite Valcano should only be generated on lava and ash planets or just hot planets. Basicaly vocalically active planets.

How can coral reefs, mutated flora, Microfactories, perminant mansoon, cyber flora, or hostile fauna exist on Barren or sterile planets (other than toxic)? It shouldnt be possable. These kinds of anomalies should only be found on planets with liquid water. 

Another anomaly set that doesen't fit is Perminant Mansoons on a stepie planet. By the game lores own definition, stepie planets have very limited rainfall, so having a perminant mansoon does not make any sense. 

Updated a month ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 11, 2018, 12:03:56 AM

i think this is why called anomaly. constant snowing on the lava, monsoon and/or coral reaf on desert, some planet inside empty and high gravity, low gracity on very largy planet and high gravity on the very tiny planet. whole things doesn't make any sense and not normal. because this is pranking of god-like race existed once upon a time, so its anomaly, not suprised by any situation.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 23, 2018, 7:07:51 AM

It is very good idea! But i think, that Molten springs and komatiite Valcano can be on any tipes of planets with the exception of gas giants. Deepwater life, coral reefs, mutated flora, perminant mansoon, hostile fauna - planets with liquid water. Deepwater life can be on freezing planets. Microfactories, cyber flora can be at almost all planets except barren, gas or lava. Empty cities on all tipes of planets with the exception of gas, ash, lava, barren and frozen. And, please, sorry for my english!

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 26, 2018, 10:56:11 AM

I agree because logic. Finding a coral reef anomaly on a lava planet is imersion breaking. There's already a mod that does this but I would like an official update.

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7 years ago
Apr 13, 2018, 9:29:02 PM

I once had long seasons and prosperous seasons on one planet together, also there's a guy here who had high gravety and low gravety.

This is just completely unimmersive and frustrates when playing the game. 

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