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logo amplifiers simplified
7 years ago
Jan 3, 2018, 1:30:44 PM

Idea was partially inspired by the Riftborn comic.

So the idea is that after a space battle there would be (maybe a small chance) a wreckage remaining that could be scanned like a curiosity. It would contain:




small amount of strategic resources spent on the ship that got destroyed;

a special quest where you can:
- A) save the surviving crew that can give you manpower or influence, depending whether you you save them or kill.

- B) extract data from ship's navigation systems that can reveal nodes that were discovered by the empire that led this ship.

- C) find out that ship's core is still intact and either leave it be (does nothing) or extract it (has a chance of blowing your exploration ship up) to get a science reward, or try to power the ship again which may give you this ship with very small amount of health that you can then repair up to full.

find out that it's a pirate trap and get attacked by them;

salvage a module from that ship for later use on empire;

The visual appearance of said wreckage could be just like ark wrecks where they orbit around the system. This should give use for late game exploration ships and make it possible for factions to gain access to certain rare/curiosity modules.

Updated 8 days ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 7, 2018, 6:58:10 PM

I love the idea. It reminds me a lot of Ogame, where most of the battle economy was around the idea of wreckage and battle debris.

In ogame, you would need to have a special ship to get the resources.

Cool idea.

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7 years ago
Jan 8, 2018, 7:31:40 AM

Nice! Upvoted :) Though the chance has to be very small, otherwise the galaxy would be filled up with shipwrecks ;)

...and maybe only for large hulls

Updated 7 years ago.
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