Add a spider like race/spider inspired race with spider like traits for example Egg Laying (population grows faster at the cost of food production[although that should apply to any egg laying species]) and depending on the social type of spider you could have -Solitude (increase in unrest/decrease happiness/approval more per population [over populated]) or +Nest Sharers (increases FIDS by 1 or 2 when over populated).  an again depending on the social type of the spider you could have Lone Workers (decreases industry after past # population and increase in industry under # population) and Cooperative Nest Workers (increases industry by 5 and food by 1 or 2)

for faction tech you could do:

Nesting Groups ( [economy and development] increase in industry and food by 2 per population {description: due to the fast growth of populations the [insert faction name] live in large groups of extended family and typically work at the same place allowing ease of specalization and avaibility of workers in a family's line of work} )

Jobless Conscription ( [Military Tech Tree] increases empire troop capacity { description: due to fast growth of the population and fierce competition of jobs this leaves some turning to their military for a future instead in a life of service where they would other wise have been jobless. of course it helps with recruiters wandering around an looking for the jobless as well. } )

an of course whatever ship models you make for the faction.