Essentially similar to things like clustered start, this would give players a bit more freedom to have more ideal starts and not having to restart over and over.

Sample options that everyone would probably like to have:

Minor faction start: At least one minor faction that's either one/two star lanes away, helps nearly every single faction in quests and/or mechanics of the faction, and that it's also sometimes a game winning thing to have a nearby minor faction.

Free luxury deposit that is the same luxury that's required to pop boost your main pop: Another RNG factor that can heavily influence early game, giving everyone some free luxuries to pop boost is always a great thing to have. (for riftborn, this can probably be replaced with something like a higher tiered strategic)

Capital system 'goldilocks zone': A IRL thing of when planets are a perfect distance away from a sun that makes it survivable on. This setting would determine the cap on the planets that require a colonization tech at tier X

A setting like Harsh would make planets such as Ice, artic, lava or gas giants spawn much more than the other planets, while a lower setting would essentially just be comprised of oceans and mediterranians.