So most advanced Food system improvements are niche at best and bad at worst, with the major problem being if you have the Industry to build them, you likely have the system well on its way to being fairly developed, meaning its population is probably getting closer to full, and until you get Super Biofuel Factory once you are full most of your Food generating improvements late game are going to cost you Dust without actually providing you much, if any, benefit. So, instead of having a 4.5k Industry, 25 Quadrinix system improvement that improves food output by 10%, lets instead having a series of Empire Upgrades in the Empire Development quadrant that improve the base FIDS output of your colonies, allowing them to get a quicker start the further you are into the game, and then further tweak the Economy and Trade quadrant to focus more on the "Going Tall" strategy.

Honestly I think the entire tech tree is in dire need of a rework, with the quadrants being refocused more towards actual strategies as opposed to just a general theme, but I feel this would be a strong first step in the right direction.