I know this is a massive leap for an idea due to the mechanics of the game, bit it would be quite cool to see some sort of boarding module . With this you can capture enemy ships that stretch from a range of chance events. The boarding process would be like a normal weapon module attached to the ship that keeps firing boarding pods.
- Ships can only be boarded when enemy shields are down ( If the enemy ship has shielding )
- The chance if the ship gets boarded or not depends on the amount of manpower of the enemy ship.
- Boarding pods can only be shot towards enemy at medium or short range, I am guessing short range makes more sense.
- Each boarding pod contains a set amount of manpower from the current ship for each successful hit of a boarding pods increase your chances of capturing enemy ship.
- Enemy ship cannot get boarded if it is below a certain threshold of life.
- Captured ships can only be repaired and not upgraded or edited.
- ( Optional ) Your ships stop firing on enemy ship once boarding process commences and enemy ship also halts firing.
- ( Optional ) Fighters are able to shoot down any boarding pods
- ( ATTACK ) Boarding pods 1 - ... : Boarding pods required to board enemy ships, each level increases the boarding pods manpower.
- ( OPTIONAL - SUPPORT ) Support pods 1 - ... : These pods are attached to support ships that shoots pods to ships close by that have been boarded to increase the chances of that ship not being boarded.
This will introduce a nice variety to the fleet and boarding is seen in many space sequences on different movies or games. I do believe it is an essential role in space battle, but hey i might be just a fan of capturing ships. This idea can change in many ways to being a research option instead of a module. This will also introduce more strategy to space battles as you don't want your ships to be captured by the enemy.
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