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Longer Space Battles

Space BattlesShip DesignMilitary

7 years ago
Jan 29, 2018, 12:40:47 PM

Currently almost every space battle ends in one turn, quite often within first two phases, which makes short range weapons useless as final phase is reached quire rarely. I suggest a buff for defence modules or ship hp, so that space battles could be more like ground combat where you can adapt to your enemy after each turn. It would also be great to be able to manually choose range for each flotilla.

It would make a space for making more informed decisions after each turn of battle, and ability to adjust your tactics to enemy fleet. 

Updated 14 days ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 7, 2018, 6:03:27 PM

I like this idea - if we could get fleets 'locked' together, like ground battles, until one side retreats.

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7 years ago
Feb 7, 2018, 6:09:07 PM

Obvious counterpoints:

  • Defender can repair their fleet every turn, even on the same turn you attacked and attack you back, unless of course you killed all their ships first, which with your change you probably can not.
  • Defender can retrofit fleet to ultra heavy counter following an unsuccesful (read not completely annihilating attack) essentialy same point as above + counter.
  • "Vaulters" is a point on it's own, where you can easily repetetively port in new ships to prevent invasion forever having the "extra turn and space for making informed decisions"
  • Slows already a slow game down, although - you could adjust HP values with game speed or dedicated slider. Let's see "+0 - 200% on all ship hp"

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7 years ago
Feb 8, 2018, 11:16:34 AM

ad. 1 and 2

Obviously fleets locked in battle could not be repaired or retrofited! Or we could give some bonuses for defenders so they could have some advantage, i don't think this is a big problem and can be easly solved. Also i don't think that every single battle have to last 5 turns. When there is big advantage on one side then it's fine when it end in 1 turn. 

I consider 3rd point a problem, being able to constantly deliver more ships in to battle could made some bad standstills. But on the other hand we can do this with ground combat and it works nice.  I think it will create interesting gameplay. You could create fleets that will have some purposes like prolonging battles or striking all in, or swift invasion, this way if you have one big battle with biggest ships from both sides engaged somewhere you could try to make swift invasion somewhere else. Also winning battle that last for few turns and consume great amount of resources will be more meaningfull.

ad. 4
You don't have to watch those battles just click them as ground combat if you want to make things faster. 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 20, 2018, 12:01:58 PM

ad 4. Oh I click them alright, for instance when I engage a game host, the game can get stuck for even a minute and more until it resolves the battle.

Under these circumstances repeating the minute freeze 5 times for a single battle is nothing I would like to involve myself in.

ad 3. To expand on the third point, there are also buyouts.

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