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Optional galaxy-wide war during Academy quest

QuestsNarrativeGame optionsDiplomacy

7 years ago
Jan 31, 2018, 10:18:06 PM

The Academy quest is about two sides fighting to change the galaxy forever, so lets have an option really showing something for it.

New game option : All Out War.

As soon as Isyander's Gambit starts, all factions on the Defenders side are locked in war with all Rejuvenator factions, and stay at war until the end of the final quest. 

If any previously existing alliance conflicts with the new paradigm, factions on the same side of the Quest are automatically integrated into new smaller alliances.

While you are automatically at war with the other side, you can still conduct diplomacy with factions on your side of the Quest as usual.

I feel like this option could please people enjoying roleplay and the warmongers amongst us.

Updated 25 days ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 2, 2018, 12:47:52 AM

A simpler thing would be to at least override normal Friend/Foe rules in the Lodestone Systems. So that people in Alliance/Peace but on opposite sides in the quest at least can fight over those Systems properly.

Those attacks might still cause Diplomatic repercussions (your ally hates you for attacking you; their foe likes you more), of course.

Updated 7 years ago.
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