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7 years ago
Feb 1, 2018, 9:07:18 AM

Playing as a pacifist is difficult due to the fact that building any military infrastructure results in militarists gaining ascendancy, yet it is necessary in order to defend yourself. My idea is to create some new features that allow a pacifist(or any other non militarist for that matter) to defend themselves from aggression.

Building ships increases militarist political support, however they need to be built in order to defend yourself. Currently the increase to militarist support is tied to the hulls themselves. I would like to see it moved to offensive modules instead. Then I'd like to see all weapons slots on the protector and coordinator class hulls changed to also allow support modules. Hence it would be possible to design ships that do not increase militarist support when constructed. Therefore a player could build a fleet which would be very difficult to destroy(taking multiple turns or fleets) but with no offensive capabilities, the main use of which would be to protect a system from invasion.

Now it is all well and good to be able to slow your opponent but you still need the ability to end the war without losing any territory. My solution to this would be a new system improvement, the broadcast tower. The base function of the broadcast tower will be to generate influence. However it will also have a secondary function, a boost in diplomatic/war pressure when another player's fleet is in orbit against the owner of that fleet(ideally proportional to system influence generation). The player could then use the influence/pressure to force a truce or even prevent a war in the first place.

Hence we have defensive fleets designed for stopping an enemy invasion and holding them in your system while the broadcast tower broadcasts your culture/propaganda at them increasing your war score and getting you closer to a position from which you can force a truce.

Updated 2 months ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 7, 2018, 6:01:50 AM

I agree, it would be great to have defensive fleets. Pacafist gameplay is difficult. And I love the idea of the hulls not being tied to political ideology.

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