Before the first update, there was a screen that appeared after you quit a game, showing lots of different graphs and options to see how you did against the other empires over time. It seems to have been removed with update 1. That graph should be brought back.
But give us access to that info on our own empire during the game itself as well, on an Empire Statistics screen.
This should allow us to toggle all the different key indicators for our Empire - production of food, dust etc, population, planets, manpower, ships etc.
On top of this, we should also be able to toggle past events on a timeline running alongside that data. That way, you'll have a historical record of your empire, and you can look back over your expansion, technological advance, system development and conquests, and see how each of events impacted on each other.
Features to include:
- Multiple different time-series lines to compare in any different combination. (so you can quickly compare food production, population and manpower, for example).
- Switch between empire-wide stats and looking at individual systems.
You should also be able to toggle which past events you want to show on the timeline too, eg:
- Random events, and the duration of their effects.
- Quests, and the decisions you took
- Diplomatic events, like first contact, wars, treaties
- Expansion events, such as outposts and colonisation, controlling asteroids, conquests, assimilations
- New technologies discovered, eras unlocked
- Construction of ships and system improvements
- Political events, such as elections, new parties, laws etc.
Here's an example:
In ES2, you could have a graph of your empire's dust production, all the events that affected it, as well as their durations shown by highlighted areas. You could click or hover over each event to read the narrative and see the effects in detail.
I think this would add a valuable sense of history and depth to gameplay, and allow you to see the effects of events as they played out.
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