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7 years ago
Feb 22, 2018, 10:32:50 PM

So, being new to the game, I recently tried out the Vodyani. They are the coolest faction yet (but I'm still exited for the espionage faction!) and deserve this change.

When begining a game, if you are not lucky enough to get two planets in your starting system, you almost immediatly will lose your population. Although the Church keeps you running, you have no population and must pay 500 essence to gain them back. 

The fix for this is simple; Replace food with essence. Food is almost usless for the vodyani, and could easily be replaced. Although you do gain extra population from food, you can easily have essence do the same. You also shouldnt gain or lose Vodyani for food though, as they are in ROBOTIC BODIES!!! This is already applied in the Vodyani Rework mod, and works very well in game. This change would save the Vodyani gameplay.

Praise the Virtual Saints!

Updated 3 months ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 23, 2018, 7:54:48 AM

This seems a pretty dramatic core change in order to address an issue in the startup phase with this faction.

Would a less intrusive fix not be to just make sure that the Vodyani never start with a galaxy generation scenario leading to this immediate loss?

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7 years ago
Feb 24, 2018, 1:05:10 AM

Well, what I mean is to, rather than changing food all together, just always have a variable that converts all food to zero. If the food is positive before conversion, add that amount of essence to the essence per turn

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