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Diverse Construction Costs

System ManagementMarketplaceEconomy

7 years ago
Feb 26, 2018, 4:41:20 PM

Reduce the construction costs of Adamantian and Antimatter buildings, and add costs of lower tier resources to higher tier buildings.

The current problem with mid game buildings is that while high Tier 2 Strategic costs may encourage military conflict, they discourage trade and politicking as well as suddenly slowing down the overall pacing of the game. Everyone wants those resources, but even the leader of the pack is sluggish.

Further, Titanium and Hyperium are so common, so ridiculously abundant, yet have so few costs (all restricted to the early game) that we're all swimming in them and the marketplace is paved with the stuff.

Also, despite common wisdom, this will not nerf mining buildings and heroes. On the contrary, in regards to Adamantian and Antimatter, it would buff them by increasing their overall purchasing power, in much the same way that money goes further the cheaper products become.

NOTE: This idea will have a linked example mod available later.

Updated a month ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 26, 2018, 4:52:31 PM

This has been an issue for quite some time. Endless Legend made the right design decisions in making its higher tier buildings cosume surprisingly large amounts of lower tier resources; the same design would work well in Endless Space 2.

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7 years ago
Mar 8, 2018, 3:05:43 AM

Rather than a bunch of mid-game buildings that cost some tier 2 resources + some tier 1 resources, perhaps there could be a combination of some mid-game buildings that just cost tier 2 resources and other mid-game buildings that cost very large amounts of tier 1 resources?  This would have the same average effect, but gives more opportunity to take advantage of the specific mix of resources you happen to have by researching buildings that use them heavily.

(I don't think I have enough of a handle on strategic resource balance yet to support or dis-support the general idea of reducing reliance on tier 2 resources, just offering a spin on the idea.)

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7 years ago
Mar 20, 2018, 10:10:33 PM

Id like more buildings that need strategic resources and luxuary resources since there is really nothing to do with them (first 2 strategic and any other luxary than the ones you are using for system developments)

also making luxuary resources more balanced as well, i really dont seem to get any of the T3 luxuaries at all (by that i mean near 0) and not a significant ammount of T2 ones. you expect to use system developments swiftly but i dont seem to get any late ones fast enough to use while you are not nessesarily swimming in the T1 ones either.
would then be also nice to use different system developments of different systems but :/

this whole resource thing seems a bit annoying to me at the moment

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