When choosing an improvement to build in a system, calculate the hypothetical change in FIDSI if that improvement were to appear instantly (in a system that is otherwise unchanged), and add that delta as an additional line in the tooltip.
For instance, when an improvement says something like "+10 food per luxury deposit and +20% food", it's hard for the player to determine exactly how much food that improvement will actually generate. Add a line saying something like "+43.7 food in current system".
I'm not asking for this to predict the future; it doesn't need to consider that I'll have 2 more population by the time the improvement finishes construction, or consider what other planets in the system I might go on to colonize, or what resources might be revealed by my next expedition. Just calculate the effects the improvement would have RIGHT NOW if it already existed in the system.
This will make it easier to quickly identify the most interesting improvements to focus on for a given system.
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