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View Design of Owned Ship

Ship DesignMilitaryGUI

7 years ago
Mar 7, 2018, 6:00:42 AM

Allow players to view the precise modules on one of their existing ships (probably with a UI similar to the ship designer).

If it's a current design, you can already view it in your ship designer.  But if you have an old ship that hasn't been upgraded to the latest design, or if you receive a ship from a quest, assimilation, or marketplace, then it might be hard to tell exactly how it's outfitted.

I can see some possible value in making it hard for other players to see the exact design of your ships, but the owner, at least, ought to be able to check.

Updated 2 days ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 7, 2018, 10:15:07 PM

(I posted this in your thread in the Game Design forum as well):

You can already do this. From the F5 military screen if you left-click an individual ship in the "Ships in fleet" panel, you will see the design in the Ship Overview panel and you can mouse over it to see the modules installed. You can even see the modules in minor fleet ships you own this way.  

For ships you have built (not ships from minor factions or quests) you can double left-click on the "portrait" for the individual ship (from the F5 screen or from the lower left panel when you have a fleet selected when in the Galaxy View) to bring up a "read-only" view of the ship in the ship design screen.

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