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Raiding Parties and Stealing ships

Space Battles

8 years ago
Dec 6, 2016, 3:19:11 PM

So i think that the Space battles could be a bit more intuitive and more player input like in endless legend, 

So what about adding in a feature (Influenced by the Lumeris intro trailer) where you can use your manpower to raid a ship, maybe you can even capture a ship with this raiding party (maybe gives buffs vs this ship type for next engagement)

A way to balance this so its not completely overpowered would be that you drop your shields to initiate it and give it a dice roll that the enemy captain (maybe related to rank) self destructs the ship before they can capture it. 

I am really enjoying the game so far and wish the multiplayer was here, but the combat needs more flesh to it and this is just a suggestion to flesh out combat a bit more. 

Thanks for any input and please Discuss  

Edit: Could be used for specific factions as a trait or as a hero skill, specifically for the late game

Updated 12 days ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 6, 2016, 7:43:02 PM

This is a cool idea, but wouldn't there be a high risk of snowballing the winning side? If they're able to pull off a raid and steal a ship, they likely already have a stronger military. Being able to not only cripple your enemy by taking their ships, but gaining more ships (which they can then sell immediately if needed) seems like it'd just be presenting a hole that the losing side can't really climb out of.

Unless it was a late game thing... In the late game, when empires can support a larger military (and when giving 1-2 ships to the enemy isn't soul crushing), it might be an interesting strategy for underdogs to try and keep a stronger enemy at bay.

Also it could be interesting if this was a hero ability. hehe... if your enemy had one hero who could steal ships, you might put extra effort into making sure that they are killed during a war effort. Might add some fun notoriety to the heroes. But would definitely have to be a late-game skill.

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7 years ago
Feb 24, 2018, 6:08:58 PM

You guys stole my idea! haha feels good man,

I hope my idea helped out in someway, love you guys at amplitude

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4 months ago
Dec 1, 2024, 12:47:45 PM

jtakemann wrote:

This is a cool idea, but wouldn't there be a high risk of snowballing the winning side? If they're able to pull off a raid and steal a ship, they likely already have a stronger military. Being able to not only cripple your enemy by taking their ships, but gaining more ships (which they can then sell immediately if needed) seems like it'd just be presenting a hole that the losing side can't really climb out of.

Unless it was a late game thing... In the late game, when empires can support a larger military (and when giving 1-2 ships to the enemy isn't soul crushing), it might be an interesting strategy for underdogs to try and keep a stronger enemy at bay.

Also it could be interesting if this was a hero ability. hehe... if your enemy had one hero who could steal ships, you might put extra effort into making sure that they are killed during a war effort. Might add some fun notoriety to the heroes. But would definitely have to be a late-game skill.

I know this thread was 8 years ago but I really think such a game mechanic would have created a better alternative than the last 2 DLC they released. Salvaging ships which have trapped crew unable to fight back and spending money to repair or scrap them would have really won over a lot of players. There's always a means to balance these things out like making it unfeasible to repair or even to drag back and scrap or to pay a scrapping crew etc What truly matters is the immersion it brings. Hacking tech from different races is like when Will Smith uploaded a virus into the alien mother ship I mean c'mon that's gotta be the stupidest unrealistic idea ever.

Updated 4 months ago.
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