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Harmony/Pulsos Faction Specific Ships (+other Minor Faction/Pirate ships)

Minor FactionsShip Design

7 years ago
Mar 13, 2018, 9:57:46 PM

Since there are only 4 classifications of Minor Faction/Pirate ships, but 23 Minor Factions (Not including the Pirate League), I think it's only fitting if there is more variety in Minor Faction/Pirate ships. Especially for factions like Harmony/Pulsos, Hissho, Sowers, and Amoeba, all of which are former major factions and have their own unique design. Furthermore, the Harmony and Hissho both had quests where you ended up fighting their ships, with the Harmony quest (Dust to Dust, I think) directly referencing that the ship looked similar to that of the Harmony faction. 

Now I don't mean fully flushed out rosters like the major factions (as cool as that would be) but maybe 1-3 ships (small, medium, one day hopefully (?) large) for at least the Harmony/Pulsos faction. 

Also this is a link to most of my other ideas

Updated 2 months ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 28, 2018, 8:39:26 AM

Actually only a few minor civs have ships that match their esthetics. At the moment it feels totally random. For example the Remnant have these insectoid like ships. 

But I think for the most minor civs it would not be so difficult to ad ships they actually belong in (esthetically, culturealley and lorewise).

The only thing necessary would be a slight reskin of existing ships.

Here is how I would make it, if I had the time and the resources:

Craver skin:

- Remnant: they are an old Endless weapon too (maybe the ships should have a slightly greener rust)

- Sowers: they were Virtual Endless constructs too (maybe the ships should have a shiny polished grey color)

Sophon skin:

- Mavros: a black version with red lights is mandatory

- Pilgrims: they only could escape the UE with the help of the Sophons (maybe with orange instead of blue lights)

Lumeris skin:

- Amblyr: the industrialized-fish-people esthetics match perfectly (maybe with a red color)

- Gnashast: the industrialized-fish-people esthetics match perfectly (maybe with a green color)

Vaulter skin:

- Sisters of Mercy: because they don't had ships themselves

"Eusocial" (insectoid) skin:

- Bhagaba

- Deuyivan: a little yellow aura would be great

- Tikanan: a lilac color scheme would be great

"Technological" (yellow ship) skin:

- Eyder

- Epistis: a black version with orange glowing parts would be great

"Scavenger" (science fiction) skin:

- Galvran

- Z'Vali

"Primitive" (shuttle) skin:

- Haroshem

- Kalegros

Hero ship skin:

- Academy

- Pirates: brown

- Kal'Tik'Ma: look at the artwork! It is a beautiful candidate for a mid-sized ship in the Academy esthetic

And now the designs that should be made new from scratch:

Aquatic skin:

- Amoeba

- Niris

- Sefaloros

Crystalized skin:

- Harmony

- Pulsos

Hissho skin:

- Hissho

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7 years ago
Mar 28, 2018, 3:35:21 PM

Certainly want this!

The Hissho, Amoeba, Harmony, Sowers, and Pilgrims all had such unique and increble styles as major factions of ES1. It might be a stretch fitting them all in, so for a vote of 3 styles, I go with; Amoeba, Hissho, and Harmony.  

The rest of the Minor Factions having unique or reskinned styles would be incredible albeit quite a lot of work.  

Mavros= Sophon ships reskinned black-and-red

Sisters of Mercy= Vaulters ships reskinned red-and-grey

Pulsos= Harmony-like, but orange and more jagged
Bhagaba= Amoeba-like, but I see greater potential in a unique coral-like style

Haroshem= something akin to the crop dusters we see in their profile

Updated 7 years ago.
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