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biophobic and terraforming of riftborn

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7 years ago
Mar 14, 2018, 12:42:47 PM

I think Riftborn is strong. More important problem is that Riftborn is not intuitive. Riftborn's Biophobic gives the most appoval in moderate Sterile palanet. This gives less approval in severe Sterile. And its name is Biophobic, but it does not lower approval in Fertile. Temperate Fertile plannet is better than Snow and Arid. This is not intuitive.

The inverse terraforming of Riftborn is also strange. Riftborn pop is very powerful, but inverse terraforming reduces pop slots. So users are not sure if inverse terraforming really makes the riftborn strong.

I suggest the following change:
 * ignore the basic approval and pop slots of the Telluric(non-gas) planet
 * planet has 2(Tiny) to 6(Huge) pop slot depending on the size

 * -2 approval per pop on not Sterile
 * -3 approval per pop on Fetile

This change will make it difficult for Riftborn to manage the approval. Having a small pop slot will weaken the Riftborn early on. But they will still be strong once they have terraformed all the planets.

In addition, the Toxic planet is too weak. Other faction can terraform the Toxic, but Riftborn is not even possible. Therefore, the Toxic needs to be upgrade.
Toxic : no food, 4 industy and science, 10 dust.


other solution:

Riftborn pop

 + 2 industry on Sterile

 + 2 dust on Sterile

 + 2 science on Sterile

 * ignore the basic approval and pop slots of the Telluric(non-gas) planet
 * planet has 6(Tiny) to 10(Huge) pop slot depending on the size

 * -2 approval per pop on not Sterile
 * -3 approval per pop on Fetile

This change will make Riftborn weaker than first idea early on. But later on, it will make Riftborn very strong. Therefore, add "Big Spenders II" trait (-15% dust) to Riftborn. Riftborn hates dust because dust has destroyed their world.

Updated 11 hours ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 12:52:15 PM

2 to 6 is basically nothing for a planet, you can potentially get 3 or even 4 on a Gas planet. You should also check out the Rebalanced Planet Tier mod in the workshop, which addresses the problem for the most part.

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7 years ago
Mar 18, 2018, 7:21:42 AM

Pop slot of Ice and Ash is 2(tiny) to 6(huge). Barren, Toxic and Lava have less slot than them. I set up a pop slot based on this sterile planet. Fixed 2-6 slots will make riftborn weaker in fertile planet, but they will show the same efficiency in sterile planet.

The gas planet has same pop slot as now, I forgot to write this. I wil add it to description.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 19, 2018, 4:40:57 PM

I added another idea to the post.

This is the result of inverse terraforming. Arid is much weaker than Terran or Jungle. Desert has more industry, but has less food, dust, science and influence than Terran. Inverse terraforming does not help now.

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7 years ago
Mar 21, 2018, 11:22:46 PM

Why not instead just give Riftborn Visual Affininty a unique tech addition that gives "+2 population on Sterile", either Empire Improvement or System Improvement, maybe paired with the tech for the final terraforming routes, terraform Sterile. Or maybe slap it into the lore quest as a reward somewhere.  Also to go along with this I really think that the backwards colonization/terraforming capabilities should be paired with the visual affinity and not the Singularity (Continuum Sculptors) Gameplay Affinity. Perhaps I'm missing out on the rationale that went in to binding it to the Singularity affinity, maybe it would pair brokenly with visual affinity?

Biophobic doesn't necessarily need to change, but for the other reasons in this post too, Riftborn should get rewarded for terraforming.

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7 years ago
Mar 22, 2018, 3:49:48 AM
MaxH wrote:

Why not instead just give Riftborn Visual Affininty a unique tech addition that gives "+2 population on Sterile", either Empire Improvement or System Improvement, maybe paired with the tech for the final terraforming routes, terraform Sterile. Or maybe slap it into the lore quest as a reward somewhere. 

It's a good idea, but there are two problems. The first problem is that "+2 popluation on Sterile" only makes certain inverse terraforming stronger. "Jungle to Arid" is still suck. "Jungle to Arid" requires tech stage 3, so we can do it before "Arid to Desert". We need to make "Jungle to Arid" more useful. Also, "Desert to Ash or Magma" needs more rewards.(actually, I have not tested it, so I'm not sure).

Another problem is that the riftborn is one of the best factoin. They need a reason to use inverse terraforming, not a buff.

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