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7 years ago
Mar 14, 2018, 9:42:44 PM

Would love to see an implementation of a Galactic Council idea, this will also give more power to diplomatic victories and give a little more immersion. Once an empire discovers all other empires they can chair the (first) meeting. 

The Galactic Council should be able to do things such as:

- Embrago races

- Declare condemnation of a race (maybe reflected in influence gain for/against them in diplomatic screen)

- Elect council leader

- Allow for diplomatic victory vote (@Ramfhords idea)

- Set tariffs/quotas for the galactic market

- Negotiate in diplomacy between nations for support of a council motion

- Effect the amount of influence needed to flip planets (introduce a multiplier)

- Galactic games where heroes can compete in different tasks, including hero vs hero simulated combat (like Olympics/Gladiatorial games), or some kind of mini games where hero Wit/Labour skill can give them an advatage to complete a task (such as more time to complete a certain games task or puzzle). The winner takes home some kind of module or improvement.

It can have many other small tweaks that influence all races on a galactic level one way or another

Updated 2 days ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 22, 2018, 5:54:10 PM

Maybe incorporate a diplomacy victory? Achieved by dominating the galactic council for a period of time 

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7 years ago
Mar 22, 2018, 6:54:28 PM

Reminds me of the World Council/United Nations in Civ 5. Would be a great addition to the game.

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5 years ago
Aug 4, 2020, 2:28:05 PM
That sounds like a great idea! A way to use your dust and influence in a peaceful way while also competing with the rest of the players!
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4 years ago
Mar 18, 2021, 4:42:43 PM

In a way the Academy has always acted as something of a galactic centerpiece (at least as of Awakening) but it would be cool to see a more in-depth diplomatic system, where the relations of the empires are more connected. I personally like this idea, and hope that it’s added sometime. Though since the developers have released the “final DLC” this would be quite unlikely.

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