Once you have completed the science tree, science becomes 100% useles. This idea is an idea to keep science being useful, but not overpowered.
My idea is that once the tech tree is completed to the best the player can complete it, the player then unlocks 4 options that they can research which can be repeated. However, after each completion of the repeatable tech, the price increases for all 4 options (all these techs will be start equal to Endless tech and only get more expensive). The possible techs are as follows
1: 0.2 FIDSI per person bonus across the empire
2: +500 empire manpower capacity
3: +0.2 resource production per resource deposit (Strategic and Luxery)
4: +1 population slot on all colonized planets (Occurs every 5th or 10th completion of this specific option)
These are just rough ideas, but the point being that it allows the tech based players and empires to maintain some sort of advantage throughout the game as opposed to slowly losing their advantage once they max out in tech. Each of the 4 options can be whatever, but those are just ideas to get something going.
Once again, these options can only be unlocked once the tech tree is complete (not just all 4
Endless techs, ALL available tech).
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