So after playing many hours of ES2, ive come to notice that when 2 factions attempt colonization of the same system the winning faction boots the losing faction out which inturn consumes the colony ship which cannot be reclaimed (reboarding and leaving the system).
I had an idea that rather then booting the losing faction out they stayed on the planet they were trying to colonise, and when either factions colony had grown enough they could then send raiding parties over to fight for control of the planet in the form of ground battles. They could function much like supply ships do where there not controlled by the player and cannot be upgraded through designs and would simply do there specified task, which in this case would be inner system invasion. It would make for much more exciting early game imho.
The ground battles could have similar options to Space Battles with fight or retreat, where if a faction retreats they reboard the colony ship and are forced out of the system with some damage to the colony ship, on the other hand should they decide to stay and defend total annihilation could be a result and we have the normal ground battles scenario play out back and forth each turn until someone wins or retreats.
Perhaps specific research could be used to upgrade the transports (faster,more durable, ETC), and interms of defenseive measures planetary defense's (System Improvements) could be built to protect from this. Perhaps even some of this tech could help with space battles around the system with techs able to do so late game, dealing damage to attckers or even boosting the defence of the defenders.
By doing this i suppose colonisation conficts will feel more "life like" i suppose rather then just a land grab race, ive always disliked losing a colony ship because i wasnt able to colonise faster due to not having any of the needed resources (Dust,Influence or Laws/Research) its always felt somewhat "cheap".
We could even have a faction with the ability to do this or even built around this, just some food for thought
With the Espionage faction/Expansion on the way new actions pertaining to Espionage/Subterfuge could be a thing either available to all factions via research or tied to the new Espionage Faction
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