ATM, preperation for battles is essentially instantaneous. You see an enemy fleet, you insta retorfit if you have dust and change your card and positions in the battle screen.
What I propose is seperating "tactics" from longer term strategy.
Certain changes to ships and cards should be possible to do fast while others should take more time.
How to acheive this?
1) Add more cards, change them and divide them into 3 card types.
The player will be able to combine 3 cards, one from every card type(as soon as he has 3 cards to use).
During battle, you will only be able to change 1 card for a price, based on the cost of your fleet in that battle. Changing cards outside of battle will also cost time and only one card will be able to be changed at a time. Changing a card might take 1 or more turns.
2) Retrofitting ships should take time based on how many parts a ship type needs to retrofit.
This mans you can't just immidiately retrofit your ships. Retrofitting ships should be able to move after initializing the retrofitting procedure.
So, if you retorfit one part then perhaps it will be instantaneous or only take one turn but if you want to retrofit more parts then it will take longer.
Why do this at all?
To create a certain feeling of continuity in strategy while still allowing some flexibility. This will add more depth to combat and will create interesting dynamics for espionage and for deciding who to fight because you might be at a bigger disadvantage versus certain races and their current fleet strategy.
It will also remove the clunky way in which it works now where every battle can essentially be you using some completely different stratgey from 1-2 turns before. It will also have the framework to solve probe abuse.
Digital Seven
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