Ok , thing is you descover a new technology and aply the new base improvement into the system. Great! but when u colonize another system or when you concquer it and then get some more as expanding your empire
this thing becomes a repetitive job building same things over and over again and wait for turns to pass by till you finish this boring work u gotto do
the enthusiams disapears , the feeling of growing and discover as well
So i suggest for future game releases that you can build the new technology and by conquer other planets you get + benefits on your system or create unique features and inprovements
that will get the growing fell , that's what a player will love , i can promise you guys a lot of new players joining this game
And i allways loved the doctrines speaches on Alpha centaury , can you guys bring that to this game?
I love the market feature, the customization of ships , u need to keep that , u have to work on mobility system for the spaceships
Bring unique artifacts to the game that can be traded between players so therefore an auction
Now that;s when u start to have a comunity , is to sad because the graphics, music , UI, complexity of the game is brilliant
Any opinions?
Sorry for the bad english
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