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Ship Designer 2.0 (more LEGO)

Ship DesignSpace Battles

7 years ago
Mar 25, 2018, 2:27:44 PM

Wouldn't it be nice to have more options, more LEGO style building as in Star Drive 2 or Star Ruler 2?
At least free module (armor, weapon etc.) positioning for front, sides and back  - top and down..often forgotten in space ;-)

BTW: Has the module posion an impact in the battle???

...and this leads to more positioning and steering options in battle action - which means:  less cinematic watching - more player interaction! Another idea....
That's my wish for a even greater ES2...
Greetings from Germany!

Updated 3 months ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 25, 2018, 9:00:20 PM

In my opinion building ships and adding modules is just tedious work that would ruin multiplayer games. You'd have to wait toooo long for other players to redesign their ships each time they get a new module, i've experienced that in Stelaris and it was annoying.

Also i think Amplitudes vision of the games combat is clear, they didn't have it in ES and they don't have it in ES2.

Position of the modules doesn't have an impact, only the number of modules and the types.

My advice is...try out Stelaris it has the kind of combat you are looking for, it really isn't a bad game but ES2 is better in my opinion.

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7 years ago
Mar 26, 2018, 10:34:30 AM

Hmm..yes, for multi-player game it would be a handbreak. I play ES2 solo only.

Isn' t there a option in stellaris to prevent / limt players by time? I assume stellaris is not a round based game...? I only know Crusader Kings 2 which is realtime.

A time limiter would be a solution for designing ships too long, don't you think so?

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