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Unfallen "implant baecon" button turn timer

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7 years ago
Mar 25, 2018, 8:09:19 PM

So i've come across an issue, i was playing the Unfallen and i wanted to check the "entwine" proggres so i hovered my mouse on it to see, accidentaly i pressed the button and...restarted the whole "entwine" process. So now i lift up my finger when hovering to avoid this happening.

My idea is to put a turn timer, a counter,  some indicator on the button it self that shows the proggres of the "entwine" process. Similar like you have with the number of probes like 0/2 so in this case it would be more like 13/20 or just a visual representation like a circle, anything really.

Updated a month ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 28, 2018, 1:05:13 AM

It would be a very good idea to have counters on ship options/actions to both prevent issues like this as well as improve performance.

However you dont need to click on the ship to see that information. If you hover your cursor over a system being entwined it should show you this information under the star information.

Best of luck fellow Unfallen!

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