So there's been some voting going on for a future espionage faction, which is exciting, but I think there could be a potential... problem I guess with there only being an espionage faction. The problem I'm thinking of was present in Endless Legend, where with the Shadows expansion an espionage system was introduced. My problem with how it played out is that only heroes of the new Forgotten faction were really worth using as spies because they were the only ones who had any upgrades to spying on their skill tree (the same was true of Morgawr heroes being the only really worthwhile admirals). Another possible problem is that with the more limited access to heroes in Endless Space 2 as opposed to Endless Legend it might be much harder to get an espionage specialist. To mitigate this for the presumably upcoming espionage expansion for Endless Space 2, I suggest also adding a Hero Class that specialises in espionage, a "Spy" or "Operative" class, and creating a new hero for the other major factions of that class, and possibly some for minor factions as well. As with other Hero Classes, some factions might still work better in a governing or fleet commanding role, but at least there'll be more options when it comes time for spying.
Creating an Espionage Hero Class as well as an Espionage Faction
Untold Shadow
Untold Shadow
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