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Make prologue videos accessible through main menu

NarrativeGUIGame optionsFactions

7 years ago
Apr 8, 2018, 8:45:01 PM

As a new player to the series, I found it difficult to "connect" to any of the game's species. While the selection menu gave a quick impression of each alien faction, their introductory videos made a more lasting impression.
While I'm aware they're all available to watch on third-party platforms (youtube, wikis, etc), it would be nice to have a means to access those videos within the framework of the game, itself.

Though the introductory videos (or "Prologue" videos, if that's the correct phrasing) play at the launch of a play-session, this is a cumbersome means to glimpse what each species is about. Additionally, according to user "twimpix", multiplayer games don't play these videos at all.

A simple solution (presumably) would be to add a category to the main menu, wherein each species' prologue cinematic can be viewed independantly of launching a game. This would provide new players a taste of what each species entails, without having to start a new map, quit, and go through species selection and game-launching again. This also utilizes data which is already locally available on the player's PC's, rather than directing them to third-party sites like Youtube, which can be a burden on bandwidth for users who are stuck with draconian data-caps or limited internet in rural areas (speaking from experience, the two compound each other here in the States).

Having browsed the "IDEAS" database, I've noticed a popular petition to add an encyclopedia of Lore to the game, much like a source-book of the bygone days physical-media. Making prologue-videos accessible from the main menu would be a compatible fixture to the encyclopedia.

Thank you for your time/consideration, and thank you to DarkHerumor from the Game-Design forum for directing me to IDEAS.

Updated a month ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 10, 2018, 1:18:56 PM

I disaree with this.

It would be awkward to see the video before starting the game. If you watch the video should there be no video when you start? or play the same one you just saw?

This feature is not necessary IMO.

The visuals and the race traits are more than enough.

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7 years ago
Apr 10, 2018, 4:53:20 PM
Father wrote:

I disaree with this.

It would be awkward to see the video before starting the game. If you watch the video should there be no video when you start? or play the same one you just saw?

This feature is not necessary IMO.

The visuals and the race traits are more than enough.

Nothing compells you to utilize the feature, and you literally lose nothing, while others may gain some extra informational clarity. The point is to make it available for individuals (whatever the statistical percentage) who

A) want to view the prologue vids prior to dedicating themselves to a match in any particular race

B) want to review the prologue vids without dedicating themselves to a match

C) Want the above within the framework of the game, rather than having to turn to an outside resource or hunting down the .mp4s in their installation folders.

This wouldn't be a novel feature in gaming, anyway. Starcraft, for instance, allowed you to browse through a list of previously completed levels, wherein the option to rewatch cinematics was also present. Diablo II had a menu option dedicated to replaying cinematics, as well. Even Ori and the Blind Forest makes such a concession for its player base.

Updated 7 years ago.
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